
Unable to Parse Error - When opening Tag Manager

When opening 'Tag Manager' what does the 'Unable to parse' error mean?

Generally the reason for the 'unable to parse' error is because the .xml files in the Meta Tags folder are checked out on someone else's computer. They may have Tag Manager open themselves or have manually checked out the files.

It would be advisable to check no other user is editing these files before going any further as their changes would be lost if you change the status.

To overcome the problem sign in as an administrator and select Admin > Show Admin Folders from the top toolbar.

Expand the 'DocMotoConfig' folder in the tree view and open the MetaTags folder. If some or all of the files showing as being checked out with a blue icon highlight them, right mouse click and select 'Undo Lock (Discard Changes)'.

The next time Tag Manager opens the error message should not be displayed.

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