
Mac Version 5.0

Version 5 release notes

A server upgrade will be required to support the new layout of subscriptions and viewing email attachments through the info panel.

New Features

  • New check-out monitor - The check out monitor has been completely re-written. Older style pop-ups have been replaced with a clear modern dashboard approach.

  • Awaiting First Check In list - New files added to the DocMoto sync area are now listed separately, providing the user with a simple to understand status of their working files.

  • Improved handling of files in the Awaiting First Check List - DocMoto now analyses the monitored folder.

    Any files which have not been modified within the last 21 days, are writable and already in DocMoto are moved to a folder on the user's desktop called DocMoto Cleaned Files.

    The number of days and location can be changed using the following command line instructions.

    defaults write com.docmoto.MacClient cleanOrphansAgeDays 90


    defaults write com.docmoto.MacClient.cleanOrphansFolder "$DOCUMENTS/My Old DocMoto files".

    The folder may be an absolute path, or begin with $DESKTOP, $DOCUMENTS or $HOME. Click here to read more about DocMoto Cleaned Files.

  • One-click viewing for Email attachments - Email attachments are now listed in the info panel, and can be viewed with a simple click.

    Attachments can be viewed without unpacking an email.

  • Universal Link type - The new universal link type is http based, so will work within any third party application.

    Older style x-docmoto links are still supported.

  • Info panel redesign - The info panel has been redesigned to provide much better access to key info.

  • Subscriptions redesign - Subscriptions has been redesigned and placed into the dashboard area for simpler management.

  • Duplicate file support - Files can be duplicated from the menu. Just like Finder.

  • Improved login speed - The pre-login checks have been streamlined reducing the login time significantly.

  • Improved SSL Security - Users are now warned when connecting to a server without SSL certificate pinning.

  • Auto-update - The DocMoto client now supports auto updating.

  • Screen overhaul - Key screens including the check in screen have been overhauled for greater efficiency and a great look.

  • Tab Limit - The maximum number of tabs allowed has been restricted to 25. This will prevent users having unnecessary tabs open.

  • Tab Management - Tabs can now all be closed in single click.

  • Auto Template listing - Folder templates are now listed automatically rather than requiring creation of tag list and manual addition of new templates.

  • Improved Column Size Control - Column sizes can be set by header or text.

  • Improved Info on checked out files - Double clicking a checked out file now advises on who has the file checked out.

  • Catalina specific support - Catalina specific changes have been made, including support for changes in Apple's viewer and their drag and drop technology.

  • Various Bug Fixes

Operating Systems

DocMoto now only supports OS X 10.14 (macOS Mojave) and OS X 10.15 (macOS Catalina).

Still have a question?

If you still can't find the answer to your question or need more information, please contact the DocMoto team on +44 (0)1242 225230 or email us

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