It is certainly true that one area where a computer system can make a massive difference to productivity is in the creation of document bundles.

Clearly the ideal solution is one where the user has to do as little as possible, the computer system doing all the heavy lifting. To really demolish the task the computer system must be doing the following:

  • Enabling the easy selection of documents to bundle.
  • Converting documents to a common format the anyone can handle.
  • Creating a table of contents with hyperlinks to the bundled documents.
  • Add page numbers across the bundle.
  • Add unique numbers for each page (bates numbers) to a designated schema.

The DocMoto document bundler

Fortunately DocMoto has exactly this functionality built in. Unlike almost all other document management systems our bundling technology is completely intergated with the product. It isn’t a third party add-on with an ill fitting interface.

2b.png   The document bundler is completely integrated with the core product

Easy selection of bundle content

Being completely integrated, built-in, we support three ways to identify and select your bundle content.

  • Selected folders - The documents within folders selected and all sub folders.
  • Selected documents - The documents selected will be added to the bundle.
  • Search results - The document results of a search. This method is typically used in conjunction with tagging. For example, all documents with a given Matter ID and status should be included.

Automatic conversion to a common format

All selected documents are automtically converted to PDF. No need to waiste time converting before bundling. It’s all done for you.

Linked table of contents

As documents are added to the bundle so they are automatically added to the table of contents complete with a link.

4.png   A fully linked table of contents

Page numbers and Bates numbers automically handled

So important, bundle page numbers are assigned and unique bates numbering scheemes can be added with a range of formatting options.

5.png   Page and bates numbering automatically handled

Big documents numbers, no problem

The bundler is designed to handle big document volumes. Preferences allow you to set maximim sizes for sub bundles. Page and bates numbering are also retained across sub bundles.

If you would like to know more about the DocMoto document bundler contact us today on

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